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Stay Glamorous,
xo Lindsay
Instagram & Twitter : BeGlamorousByLindsay
Snapchat: LTGlamorous
Pintrest & Tumblr: BGBLindsay

Hello My Glamorous Friends! It's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and write something in my posts. I've been really busy creating "Be Glamorous By Lindsay" for 5 years now and I have finally had a year (2016) to enjoy my life. Ever since I was little all I could remember was being hungry and having an emotional time in so many types of situations, being scared to even go out and be around others. I've always been torn down for expressing myself through fashion, beauty, and art since kindergarten. I finally felt really free from my past through this blog and I have got to travel, smile, build, spoil, be debt free, and eat for once in my life. I finally feel like I am not drowning. I know this might be a little bit deep, considering I rarely say a peep, I just hope that whoever reads this can be inspired to keep pursuing your dreams, if you work hard and make small goals you will reach a comfortable or more the comfortable state. Just as a flower blooms leaves and thorns and even some of the pedals closets to us will fall off, with patience and faith new stronger pedals will grow in. Have faith in yourself and what you like and others will follow and support you. Keeping daily in mind like a horse who is focused on its path and destination, don't look to the sides, up or down, or back...
the world is yours.
xo Lindsay